Electronic Medical Equipment
Embedded Systems
Power Electronics
Quantum and Nuclear Electronics
Electronic Systems in Measurement and Control
Circuits and Systems
Education in Electronics
Quality and Reliability in Electronics
Micro- and nanoelectronics
Technologies in Electronics
Things Make a Big Difference.
Melexis |
3 |
Nihtianov. S.. ASML - the High-Tech World of Lithography |
15 |
Dobrev, D.P., T.D. Neycheva, N.T. Mudrov. Simple High-Q Comb Filter for Mains Interference Suppression. |
25 |
Dobrev, D.P., T.D. Neycheva, N.T. Mudrov. Frequency Response of Digital Lock-in Technique for Power-Line Interference Extraction. |
31 |
Dotsinsky, I.A., I.I. Jekova, J.-P. Didon, V.T. Krasteva. Comparison of Spectral Components of CPR Compressions and Various Shockable and Non-shockable Rhythms in ECG. |
37 |
Andreev, A.S.. Infrared Image Processing in Medicine. |
43 |
Iliev, I.T., S.D. Tabakov, V.T. Krasteva. Combined High-pass and Power-line Interference Rejecter Filter for ECG Signal Processing. |
49 |
Mihov, S.G., R.M. Ivanov, A.N. Popov. Real-Time Subtraction Procedure for Eliminating Power-Line Interference from ECG. |
55 |
Mihov, G.S., R.M. Ivanov, C.L. Levkov. Casual Filter Applications in the Subtracting Method for Power-line Interference Removing from ECG. |
61 |
Levkov, C.L.,. Multilead Signal Preprocessing by Linear Transformation to Derive an ECG Lead where the Atypical Beats are Enhanced. |
67 |
Yordanov A.H.. Test Generator for Examination of PLL and DDS Systems. |
72 |
Martirosyan A.. Method of Realization of Conflict-free Different Priority Data Transmission in a Network on Chip. |
77 |
Kakanakov, N.R., M.P. Shopov, G.V. Spasov. Experimental Analysis of CoS Performance in Local Controller Networks. |
81 |
Geshev, G.D., E.N. Dimitrov. Feasibility Assessment of the Smart Standartized Sensors Design for Vehicle Tests and Diagnostics. |
87 |
Shoshkov, T.P., G.S. Mihov, V.D. Manoev. Small Local Network for Microprocessor Controllers. |
93 |
Sapundjiev, P.V., M.G. Mitev, V.D. Manoev. Air pressure measurement using silicon based analog sensor SPD015A. |
99 |
Popov, E.I., L.I. Pindeva, S.C. Hristov. Study
of Power and Ripple Factors of Controlled Thyristor Rectifiers. |
105 |
Vuchev, A.S., N.D. Bankov. Analysis and Basic
Dependencies of Pulse Width Modulate Controlled Series Resonant DC-DC
Converter. |
111 |
Vuchev, A.S., N.D. Bankov.
Load Characteristics of Pulse Width Modulate Controlled Series Resonant DC-DC
Converter. |
117 |
Mihov, V.D., I.P. Neychev.
Switching Converters for Line Voltage Regulation in HID-lamp Lighting Systems. |
123 |
Veselinov V.D.. Possibilities
of Improvement of Monitoring and Diagnostic Process of Power Electronic
Devices. |
129 |
L.I., M.A.
Deneva, M.H.Kalbanov,
Nenchev. Development of Original
All-Optical Injection Control Competition and Gain Knock-Down Techniques for
Laser Line Narrowing and Fixing at Atomic Absorption Line. |
135 |
Todorova, P.T., M.A. Deneva, M.N. Nenchev. A New Flash Lamp Pumped and Q-switched Nd:YAG Optical Quantum Generator With Simultaneous Lasing at Two Colours (1.06 mm and 0.94 mm ) |
143 |
Mitev, M.G., L.T. Tsankov. Performance of a Station for Long Term Monitoring of the Atmospheric Ground Layer Status in Urban Sites. |
150 |
Mitev, M.G., Ĺ.N. Dimitrov, D.H. Hristova. Research on the Metrological Characteristics and Stability of Gamma-Dosimeters Using SWFM. |
155 |
Muller, J., D. Komosny, R. Burget. Optimizing Feedback Path in Hierarchical Aggregation. |
3 |
Heidary, A., G.C.M. Meijer. Optimizing the Noise Performance of an Integrated
Interface for Capacitive Sensors with a |
9 |
Nihtianov, S. Capacitive Sensor Surface Quality Considerations
when Measuring Sub-nanometer Displacement. |
15 |
L., S.
Xia, F.
Sarubbi, R.
Naulaerts, S.
Nihtianov, L.
Nanve. Response Time
of Shallow
Junction Silicon
Photodiodes. |
21 |
I.F., I.
Sztojanov, D.O.
Kisch, S.
Paşca. A Speed Control
Strategy For Switched Reluctance Motor |
27 |
I.F., I.
Sztojanov, S.
Paşca. Pump
Control in a Municipal Pumping Station. |
33 |
Kokolanski, Z., C. Gavrovski, V. Dimcev. Temperature Correction Method Applied on ZigBee Measurement Data Tranceiver. |
39 |
Srbinovska, M., C. Gavrovski, V. Dimcev. Localization Estimation System Using Measurement of RSSI Based on Zigbee Standard. |
45 |
Angelov, P.A., M.B. Momchedgikov. Intelligent Vizualizatoin of Total Harmonic Distortion in Frequency up to 10kHz. |
51 |
Angelov, P.A.. Critical Analysis of a Method for Determining the Efficiency at Linear Audio Amplifiers. |
57 |
Koleva, E.N., I.S. Kolev. Development of Two – Emitter Optocoupler Circuits. |
63 |
Koleva, E.N., Multichanel Optocoupler Circuits. |
68 |
Simevski, A., G. Shutinoski. PLC Driven Band Saw Sharpener. |
73 |
Jivkov, I.C., D.S. Dimov, M.P. Aleksandrova, J.R. Petkov, V.H. Denishev. Computer Controlled Setup for Temperature Measurements for Thin Film Deposition. |
79 |
Trifonov S.K.. CAM Profile Interpolator for PLC. |
85 |
Nikolova B.M., Magnetic Hysteresis Modeling and Visualization for SPICE Based Environments. |
91 |
Nikolova B.M., G.T. Nikolov. Investigation and Design of High Current Sources for B-H Loop Measurements. |
97 |
Nikolov G.T., High Current Source-Measure Unit Based on Low Cost DAQ. |
103 |
Coman, S., F. Sisak, I.R. Pacureanu, D.Juravle. Bayesian Analyze of Electrical Systems Reliability. |
109 |
Stoyanov, P.R., S.K. Ivanova, V.G., Markov. Aerospace and Ground Based Georadars. |
114 |
Dyankov I.R.. LPG Leakage Detection Using Prediction Method |
119 |
Zhekov, Z.S., G.H. Mardirossian. Research of the Transferring Characteristics of a Scanning Spectrophotometer. |
124 |
Djamiykov T.S., Designing an Optoelectronic Characterization System for an Educational Laboratory. |
129 |
Stoyanov, E.I., A.N. Iovev. A Self - Tuning of the PID Control Loops Based on the Ziegler Nichols Frequency Response Method. |
135 |
Todorov, D.G., L.G. Kapisazov. LED Thermal Management. |
139 |
Kachakov, G.P., G.S. Mihov, A.H. Yordanov. Investigation of Digital Phase Detectors. |
145 |
Tuliev, N.T., S.J. Ovcharov, P.I. Yakimov, E.G. Balkanska. Multifunctional Protection Relay Input Module Modernization. |
151 |
Pandiev I.M.. Behavioral Macromodeling of Voltage Feedback Amplifiers. |
3 |
Pandiev I.M.. Behavioral Macromodeling of Current Feedback Amplifiers and Drive-R – Amplifiers. |
11 |
Yu, Z., G.C.M. Meijer. The Interface Electronics for an Ultrasonic Matrix Transducer for 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography. |
19 |
Prokop, R., V.V. Musil. The Precise Rail-to-Rail Current Conveyor CCII for Measurement Applications. |
23 |
Fujcik, L., R. Prokop. Design of Harmonic Signal Generator for Capacitive Pressure Sensor Measurement. |
29 |
Melikyan, V., A. Hovsepyan. Design of High Portable Lock Indicator. |
35 |
Asparuhova, K.K., T.S. Djamiykov. Electro-optical Device Parameters Modeling. |
39 |
Balabanova I.S.. The Fiber Optic Links with Lineal, Hipodyne, Heterodyne Detectors and Dispersion - Bandwidth Measurement. |
43 |
Ribov, B.Y., S.A. Arnaudov. Radio Frequency Identification in Use with Guard and Security Systems. |
49 |
Stefanova S.A.. Time Domain Modeling of Bandpass
Recursive Digital Filter Using Recurent Neural Network. |
55 |
Durev V.P.. An Approach to Passive Circuit Synthesis Using Genetic Algorithms in MATLAB – Band-Pass Filter. |
61 |
Rankovska V.V.. Design of Sine/Cosine Synthesizer Using Vector Rotation Approach with Angle Recoding. |
67 |
Gadjeva, E.D., D.Y. Shikalanov. Application of Postprocessing for Objective Function Formulation in the Statistical Optimization Using Pspice. |
73 |
Kunov, G.T., E.D. Gadjeva, T.C. Dimov, B.G. Philipov. Spice Simulation of the Control System for Frequency Regulated Transistor Resonant Inverter. |
79 |
Mitev, A.D., D.N. Dimitrov, D.A. Dimcheva, L.V. Haralanov, N.N. Paunova, B.Y. Ribov. Truecolor Remote-Controlled Modular System for Lighting and Lighting Effects. |
85 |
Skorpil V.. Education
for the New Network Elements. |
90 |
Skorpil V.. Point
of View for the Communication Education. |
97 |
Shoikova, E.D. Researching Electronic Portolios: Educational and
Professional Development through Technology. |
101 |
Shoikova, E.D. Electronic Portfolio Built into Windows SharePoint
Collaboration and Learning Environment. |
109 |
I.M., P.I. Yakimov, D.D. Doychev, T.G. Todorov, V.Y. Stanchev. A Practical Approach to
Design and Modeling Digitally Programmable Analog Circuits. |
118 |
I.M., P.I. Yakimov, D.D. Doychev, T.G. Todorov, V.Y. Stanchev. An Electronic System for
Digitally Programmable Analog Circuits Study. |
125 |
P.I., N.T. Tuliev, A.N. Iovev, S.J. Ovcharov, E.G. Balkanska, G.S. Mihov. Investigation and
Development of Electronic Instruments for PLC Programming Training. |
133 |
A.N., P.I. Yakimov, N.T. Tuliev, S.J. Ovcharov, E.G. Balkanska, E.I. Stoyanov. Methodology for Teaching
Basic Skills in PLC Programming Development. |
139 |
Molnár K.. Implementation of a TCP-based
Process Model in OPNET Modeler. |
145 |
T.K., V.A.
Draganov, M.H. Tzanov, F.T. Koparanov, V.P.
Tchoumatchenko. Practical training in Automotive Electronics. |
151 |
I.H., V.P.
Tchoumatchenko, T.K.
Vasileva. Tool for Synchronous Communications in Collaborative
Environment. |
157 |
V.H., R.I.
Radonov, R.P.
Tsolov. Validation of Anonymous Surveys of
Educational Subjects through Their Basic Results. |
163 |
Spasova N.V.. E-learning with Moodle in the
Energetics and Electronics College. |
169 |
Gerazov, B., V. Kafedziski, G. Shutinoski. A Tool for Teaching Linear Predictive Coding. |
175 |
Stoyanova, L.Y.. Information System for
Administrative Services of Educational Process in the Technology School
"ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS" Associated with the Technical University of
Sofia. |
181 |
Ivanova M.S., Learning ePortfolio Deployment in
Social Network Ning. |
187 |
A.V., E.
Tural, A.S.
Contactless Thermal Characterization Method of Switching Mode Power Supply. |
3 |
A.V., E. Ivanov, A.S. Andreev.
Thermographic Inspection of Relays for Railway Safety Equipment. |
9 |
Buniatyan, V.V., V.M. Aroutiounian, G.M. Travajyan. MOS Synthetic Iinductance for RF
Integrated Applications. |
15 |
T.S., P.T.,
Goranov. Inductors
Influence over the dc-dc
Converter Performance. |
21 |
I.D.. Applications
of Hardware Description Languages for Frequency Domain Modeling and Analysis
of Analog Circuits. |
27 |
R.P., B.P.
Atanasov, T.B.
Takov, M.H.
Hristov. Microelectronic
Networks Analogous to Protein Hydrogen Bonded Networks Made from Backbone
Peptides and Water Molecules. |
33 |
Rusev, R.P., G.V., Angelov, B.P. Atanasov, T.B. Takov, M.H. Hristov. Development and Analysis of a Signal Transfer
Circuit with Hydrogen Bonding |
37 |
Hristov, M.H., T.B. Takov, I.N. Cholakova, K.H. Denishev, V.E. Grozdanov, D.G. Gaydazhiev. Design and Investigation of a
Thermal Actuator. |
43 |
Hristov, M.H., K.T. Toshev, K.H. Denishev, V.E. Grozdanov, D.G. Gaydazhiev. Design and Simulation of
Accelerometer Spring. |
49 |
Hristov, M.H., P.D. Veleva, K.H. Denishev, V.E. Grozdanov, D.G. Gaydazhiev. Design and Investigation of an Accelerometer. |
55 |
V.E., D.I.
Pukneva, M.H.
Hristov. Development of
Parameterized Cell of Spiral Inductor Using Skill Language. |
61 |
S., V.
Palankovski. Simulation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with InGaN Cap Layer. |
67 |
M.H., F.T.
Koparanov, E.D.
Manolov. Simulink Modeling of
Signal Conditioning Circuit for Inductive Displacement Transducer. |
71 |
F.T., M.H.
Tzanov, E.D.
Manolov. FPAA Prototyping of
Signal Conditioning Circuit for Inductive Displacement Transducer. |
77 |
P., P.
Barath, J.
Stehlik, R.
Vrba. The Multifunction Conducting Materials Based on Cement Concrete with
Carbon Fibers. |
82 |
M., J.
Prasek, T.
Ruzicka. The Two and Three Electrodes Systems Topology Optimisation of
Electrochemical Sensors. |
87 |
M., J.
Prasek, T.
Ruzicka. The
Topology Design of Thick-Film Electrochemical Sensor Array. |
92 |
J., M.
Adamek, J.
Krivka. Materials
for Construction of Planar Reference Electrodes of Thick-Film Electrochemical
Sensors. |
97 |
J., M.
Adamek, Z.
Optimization of Electrochemical Analytical Device for Measurements with
Thick-Film Electrochemical Sensors. |
103 |
P., M.
Adámek, J.
Šandera. Micro-channel in LTCC. |
109 |
P., J.
Šandera, E.
Hejátková. Vapour Deposition on LTCC for 3D Structures. |
115 |
P.H.. Reflow
Soldering of BGA Components to PCB by Heaters’ Operation Control. |
121 |
Valchev, A.V., P.H. Mashkov, T.G. Pencheva, B.S. Gyoch. Thermal Processes Modeling during Soldering of BGA
Components to PCB. |
127 |
Aleksandrova, M.P., G.H.Dobrikov, I.C.Jivkov, D.S.Dimov, M.M. Rassovska. Interface Characterization of PPV – Derivative Based
Structures by Direct Current Electrical Measurements. |
133 |
Denishev, K.H., M.K. Bonev. MEMS Magnetometer. |
139 |
Kolev, G.D., K.H. Denishev, G.H. Dobrikov, V.J.
Strijkova, E.M.
Spassova. Humidity Microsensor with Polyimide
Sensitive Layer. |
145 |
P.C., R.
Kakanakov, T.
Anastasova, S.
Photodetector of CdS with Contacts of CdO. |
151 |