Proceedings of the annual Scientific and Applied Science conference Electronics
2010 |
- Bobeva, S. D., M. H. Hristov, K. H. Denishev, Overview of Automotive MEMS Sensors, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 58 61, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Brusev, T. S., M. H. Hristov, B. M. Nikolova, Investigations of Power Losses in Off-Chip and On-Chip Inductors, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 38 41, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Durev, V. P., E. D. Gadjeva, M. H. Hristov, Parameter Extraction of Geometry Dependent RF Planar Inductor Model, 17th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", June 24-26, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 420 424, ISBN 978-83-928756-3-5, IEEE Catalog Number CFP10MIX-PRT.
- Gieva, E E., R. P. Rusev, G. V. Angelov, M. H. Hristov, T. B. Takov, Microelectronic Differential Amplifier Functionally Analogous to Hydrogen Bonding Network, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 42 45, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
- Hristov M. H., G.D. Todorov, N. Nikolov, V. Grozdanov, D. Gaidadjiev, K. Kamberov, Manufacturing Technologies For Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (Mems), Part I, Proceedings of The XXVI International Scientific Conference 65 Years Faculty Of Machine Technology, September 13 16, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 235 246, ISBN: 978-954-438-854-6.
- Hristov M. H., G.D. Todorov, N. Nikolov, V. Grozdanov, D. Gaidadjiev, K. Kamberov, Manufacturing Technologies For Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (Mems), Part II, Proceedings of The XXVI International Scientific Conference 65 Years Faculty Of Machine Technology, September 13 16, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 247 259, ISBN: 978-954-438-854-6.
- Kolev, G. D., K. H. Denishev, S. D. Bobeva, Design and Analyzing of Silicon Diaphragm for MEMS Pressure Sensors, Annual Journal of Electronics, Sofia 2010, Volume 4, Number 2, ISSN 1313-1842, book 1, page 112.
- Manolov, E. D., D. N. Nikolov, M. H. Hristov, Energy Harvesting Devices: Basic Technologies And Applications, Proceedings of The XXVI International Scientific Conference 65 Years Faculty Of Machine Technology, September 13 16, 2010, pp. 214 219, Sozopol, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-438-854-6.
- Milevsky B., M., Ariaudo, J. Gautier, I. Fijalkow, M. Hristov, Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) in MB-OFDM Receiver with Imperfect Local Oscillator, Proceedings of the 3rd European Microwave Week, CNIT, Paris, France, 28 - 30 September, 2010, pp. 23-4.
- Nikolov, D. N., E. D. Manolov, M. H. Hristov, M. H. Tsanov, F. T. Koparanov, Architecture of Energy Harvesting Devices, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 54 57, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Nikolov, D. N., F. T. Koparanov, M. H. Tsanov, E. D. Manolov, M. H. Hristov, Energy Harvesting Transducers: An Overview, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 50 53, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Radonov R., K. Zaimov, V. Videkov, Electronic Identification of Completing the Evaluations of Students in a Database, Proceedings of Papers of ICEST 2010 conference, 23 26 June 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia, Vol. 2, pp. 913 - 916, ISBN 978?9989?786?58?7.
- Radonov R., K. Zaimov, V. Videkov, G. Dukendjiev, Management of Educational Process Electronic Data in the System for Quality Control at the Technical University of Sofia, Proceedings of the 20th National Scientific Symposium with international participation Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2010, 9 - 13 September 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 333 - 337, ISSN 1313-9126
- Radonov R., V. Videkov, Die Packaging Methods and Their Relation to the Layout of Integrated Circuits, Annual Journal of Electronics, Volume 4, Number 1, September 2010, pp. 33 - 35, ISSN 1313-1842.
- Radonov R., Considerations for the Design of Bond Pads in Integrated Circuits using CADENCE, Annual Journal of Electronics, Volume 4, Number 1, September 2010, pp. 36 - 37, ISSN 1313-1842.
- Videkov V., Radonov R., K. Zaimov, Electron Protocols in the System for Management of the Educational Process (in Russian), XV International Scientific and Technical Conference Contemporary means for connection, 28 September 30 September 2010, Minsk, Byelorussia, pp. 11 14, ISBN 978-985-6938-65-1.
- Rusev, R. P., G. V. Angelov, E. E. Gieva, T. B. Takov, M. H. Hristov, Hydrogen Bonding Network as a DC Level Shifter and a Power Amplifier, 17th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", June 24-26, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland, pp. 408 411, ISBN 978-83-928756-3-5, IEEE Catalog Number CFP10MIX-PRT.
- Rusev, R. P., G. V. Angelov, I. D. Panayotov, M. H. Hristov, T. B. Takov, Matlab and Verilog-A Models of Solar Cells, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 46 49, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- Yordanov, R. S., M. H. Hristov, H. L. Yatanski, Interactive Learning Relative to MCM Design, Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, volume 4, number 1, ISSN 1313-1842, Sofia, 2010, pp. 62 64, The XIX International Scientific And Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2010, September 22 24, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
2009 |
- Hristov M., R. Radonov, V. Simeonova, A Methodology for Distant Design and Education in Microelectronics CAD Systems, 9th International Conference AMO 09, 25 27 June 2009, Kranevo, Bulgaria. pp. 389 392, ISBN 1313-4264.
- Krysteva R., I. Cholakova, G. Angelov, R. Rusev, T. Takov, Simulation of a Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor (RF-SET) in Cadence Spectre, 9th International Scientific Conference AMO '09, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 25-27 June 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 385 388, ISSN 1313-4264
- Radonov R., V. Videkov, Comprehensive Evaluation of Training Using Mobile Technologies, 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning IMCL2009, 22-24 April 2009, Amman, Jordan
- Radonov R., V. Videkov, A. S. V. Andonova, Traceability of Procedures in Electronic Education, 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning IMCL2009, 22-24 April 2009, Amman, Jordan
- Radonov R., V. Videkov, A Parallel Evaluation of an Educational Subject, Proceedings of the XLIV International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2009, 25 27 June 2009, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, pp. 483 484.
- Rusev R., Hydrogen Bonding Network Functionally comparable to a CMOS Differential Amplifier, 9th International Scientific Conference AMO '09, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 25-27 June 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 359 364,
ISSN 1313-4264
- Rusev R., G. Angelov, T. Takov, M. Hristov, Analogy Between Hydrogen Bonding Network and Microelectronic Circuit, MIXDES 2009, Proceedings of 16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, June 25-27, 2009, Lodz, Poland, pp. 402 -405, ISBN 978-83-928756-0-4
- Rusev R., G. Angelov, T. Takov, B. Atanasov, M. Hristov, Comparison of Branching Hydrogen Bonding Networks with Microelectronic Devices, Annual J. of Electronics, 2009, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 152-154. ISSN 1313-1842.
- Rusev R., G. Angelov, T. Takov, M. Hristov, Biocircuit for Signal Modulation Based on Hydrogen Bonding Network, Annual J. of Electronics, 2009, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 155-158. ISSN 1313-1842.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, F. Filippov, A. Stratev, Electronic Tests for Automated Mounting Operators in Electronics (in Bulgarian), ΥVIII National Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation, Automation of Discrete Production Engineering ADP 2009, 30 May - 1 June 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 311 315, ISSN 1310-3946.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, Continual Electronic Survey (in Bulgarian), XIX National Scientific Symposium with International Participation Metrology And Metrology Assurance 2009, 10 14 September 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 522 - 525, ISSN 1313-9126.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, Improved Data Visualisation in the e-Management System, Annual Journal of Electronics, Volume 3, Number 2, pp. 37 - 39, ISSN 1313-1842.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, Electronic Means for Control of the Educational Process (invited paper in Russian), XIV International Scientific and Technical Conference Contemporary means for connection, 29 September 1 October 2009, Minsk, Byelorussia, pp. 11 16, ISBN 978-985-6938-17-0.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, Internet Based Electronic Surveys and Validation of Their Results Objectiveness (in Russian), XIV International Scientific and Technical Conference Contemporary means for connection, 29 September 1 October 2009, Minsk, Byelorussia, pp. 185 188, ISBN 978-985-6938-17-0.
2008 |
- Marcheva Y., S. Tzanova, R. Radonov, WebBased Education in Chemistry for the Needs of the Technical University Sofia, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st century, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 4 7 June 2008, Vol. 6 (Part I), pp. 53 55, ISBN 978-954-580-247-8.
- Radonov R., Methodology for design with CADENCE (in Bulgarian),National conference with international participation Elektronika 2008, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 30 May 2008, pp. 182 186, ISSN 1313-3985.
- Radonov R., Education in Microelectronics Design Using a Web Environment, Proceedings of ICEST 2008 the XLIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Serbia, Nis, 25 27 June, 2008, ISBN 978-86-85195-61-7.
- Radonov R., E-Management - A System for Accompanying of the Educational Process (in Bulgarian), E+E Elektrotechnica & Elektronika - a monthly scientific and technical magazine, issue 3-4 2008, pp. 42 46, ISSN 0861-4717.
- Rusev R., Boris Atanasov, Tihomir Takov, Marin Hristov, Microelectronics Models of Protein Hydrogen Bonds, E+E
- Rusev, R.P., B.P. Atanasov, T.B. Takov, M.H. Hristov, Microelectronic Networks Analogous to Protein Hydrogen Bonded Networks Made from Backbone Peptides and Water Molecules. Conference proceedings of the 17th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics ET 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria, book 4, pp. 33 36
- Rusev R., G. Angelov, B. Atanassov, T. Takov, M. Hristov, Development and Analysis of a Signal Transfer Circuit with Hydrogen Bonding, Proc. of the 17th Intl. Scientific and Appl. Science Conf. ELECTRONICS ET 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Book 4 pp. 37-42, September, 2008. ISBN 1313-1842
- Rusev R., T. Takov, B. Atanasov, M. Hristov, Microelectronics analogies of Protein and Water Hydrogen Bonds, Proceedings of Fourth International Bulgarian Greek Conference Computer Science2008, Kavala, Part I, pp. 67 71, September, 2008
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, R. Tzolov, Electronic survey of Educational Subjects (in Bulgarian), 18th National scientific symposium with international participation Metrology and Metrology assurance 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 10 14 September 2008, pp. 414 418, ISBN 978-954-334-078-1.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, R. Tzolov, Electronic System for Survey of Students and Subjects Evaluation (in Bulgarian), Scientific Conference 120 Years Specialty Pedagogics Traditions And New Realities, Kiten, Bulgaria, September 2008, pp. 291-297, ISBN 978-954-07-2776-9.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, R. Tzolov, Validation of Anonymous Surveys of Educational Subjects through Their Basic Results, Conference proceedings of the 17th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2008, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2426 September 2008, book 3, pp. 163 - 168, ISSN 1313-1842.
- Videkov V., R. Radonov, R. Tzolov, Validation of Anonymous Surveys of Educational Subjects through Their Basic Results, Proceedings of the Technical University of Sofia, Volume 58, book 2, 2008, pp. 223 228, ISSN 1311-0829.
2007 |
- Angelov, G., K. Asparuhova, Optimization and Simulation of the EKV Model Using Matlab, Conference proceedings of the 16th
International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Book 1, pp. 42-46, September, 2007. ISBN 1313-1842.
- Angelov, G., M. Hristov, O. Antonova, E. Gadjeva, Parameter Extraction for Simplified RF NMOSFET Equivalent Circuit using SPICE, 14th Intl. Conf. Mixed Design of ICs and Systems (MIXDES 2007), Ciechocinek, Poland, 2007, ISBN 83-922632-4-3.
- Antonova, O.J., M. H. Hristov, E. D. Gadjeva, Application Of General-Purpose Circuit Simulators To Automated Design And Investigation Of Class E Power Amplifiers, 16-Th International Scientific And Applied Science Conference, Et 2007, September 19 - 21, 2007, Sozopol, Book 1, pp. 69 - 73, ISBN 1313-1842.
- Brusev T., P. Goranov, M. Hristov, Investigation of ZCS resonant-switch dc-dc converter for fully monolithic ic
implementation, Conference proceedings of the 16th
International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol, Book 1, September 19-21, 2007, pp. 121-126, ISBN 1313-1842
- Gadjeva, E., V. Durev, M. Hristov, Parameter Extraction of HBT Small-Signal Model Using Genetic Algorithm, 51st Conference for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering - ETRAN'07, June 4-8, 2007, Igalo, Montenegro, EL. 1.1, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4.
- Gadjeva, E., V. Durev, M. Hristov, Parameter Extraction of Planar Inductor and Transformer Models Using SPICE, 14th International Symposium on Power Electronics - EE 2007, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, November 7th - 9th, 2007.
- Gadjeva, E., Z. Garmev, N. Gadzhev, M. Hristov, Computer-aided fault observability analysis of switched-capacitor circuits using sensitivity models, XXX International Conference on Fundamentals of Electrotechnics and Circuit Theory, XXX IC-SPETO - 2007, 23-26 May, 2007, Gliwice, Poland, pp. 58-1 - 58-4.
- Hristov, M., O. Antonova, E. Gadjeva, Computer-Aided Design of Class E Power Amplifiers Using SPICE, 51st Conference for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering - ETRAN'07, June 4-8, 2007, Igalo, Montenegro, EL 1.3, ISBN 978-86-80509-62-4.
- Kuncheva, A., G. Angelov, M. Hristov, Synthesis and implementation of DSP algorithms in advanced programmable architectures, Electronics and Circuits Conf. (ECS07), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2007.
- Piwowarska, E., W. Kuzmicz, G. Farkas, A. Poppe, M. Hristov, E. Manolov, B. Weber, J. Butas, G. Jablonski, A. Jarosz, A. Kos, A. Golda, R. Dlugosz, AnaDig - an Educational Chip for VLSI Device Characterization, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, San Diego, California, USA, 3 - 4 June 2007, pp. 19 - 20.
- Panayotov, I., Ph. Philipov, Behavior modeling of elements of the structure of analog array, Conference proceedings of the 16th
International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria BOOK 4 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, Technologies in Electronics pp.59-64 ISBN
1313 - 1842
- Panayotov, I., T. Brusev, M. Hristov, Ph. Philipov, Behavior modeling of DC/DC buck converter Conference proceedings of the 16th
International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria BOOK 4 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, Technologies in Electronics pp.65-70 ISBN
1313 - 1842
- Panayotov, I. T. Brusev, M. Hristov, Ph. Philipov, Behavior modeling with analog extentions of hardware description
languages of DC/DC buck converter - Proceedings EDS 07 IMAPS CS International Conference Brno, Czech Republic, September
20-21, 2007, pp. 5-10 ISBN 978-80-214-3470-7
- Radonov, R., V. Videkov, Some Peculiarities of the E-Management Environment, Version 6, Conference proceedings of the 16th
International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 19 - 21, 2007, book 1,
pp. 143 - 148, ISBN 1313-1842
- Rusev, R., B. Atanasov, T. Takov, M. Hristov, Nano semiconductor devices, including molecular semiconductors
Conference proceedings of the 16th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2007, Sozopol,
Bulgaria, September 19 - 21, 2007, book 4, pp. 91 - 96, ISBN 1313-1842
2006 |
- Angelov, G., K. Asparuhova,MOSFET Simulation Using MATLAB Implementation of the EKV Model, Conference proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2003, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 20 - 22, 2006
- Angelov G., M. Hristov, T. Takov, Open Source Implementation of the EKV Model for MOSFET Simulation in Matlab, Third International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", Istanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 October, 2006, pp. 43 - 48.
- Antonova, O., M. Hristov, RF power amplifiers for wireless communication systems,E+E Elektrotechnica & Elektronika - a monthly scientific and technical magazine, issue 1-2 2006, ISSN 0861-4717.
- Antonova O.J., G.V. Angelov, V.D. Draganov, Class E power amplifier for Bluetooth applications, The 15th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2006, BOOK 2, pp.65-70, ISBN 954 438 565 7
- Brusev, T., P. Goranov, M. Hristov, R. Slavov,Efficiency investigation of buck dc-dc converter for RF applications, Electronics 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, b2, pp. 47 - 52, ISBN 954-438-565-7.
- Brusev T., P. Goranov, M. Hristov, R. Slavov, Efficiency Investigation of Buck DC-DC Converter for RF Applications, Proceedings of the Technical University Sofia, Volume 56, book 1, 2006, pp. 97 - 102, ISSN 1311-0829.
- Brusev, T., P. Goranov, M. Hristov, Capacitors dc-dc converters for RF implementation, Electronics 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria
- Brusev, T., P. Goranov, M. Hristov, Fully monolithic dc-dc converters, Computer Science 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 October, 2006, pp. 37 - 42.
- Gadjeva, E. D., V. P. Durev, M. H. Hristov, D. I. Pukneva, Optimization of Geometric Parameters of Spiral Inductors Using Genetic Algorithms,International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems MIXDES 2006, Gdynia, Poland, June 2006, pp. 514-517, ISBN 83-922632-1-9
- Gadjeva, E., M. Hristov, O. Antonova, Application of Spice Simulation to Investigation of Class E Power Amplifier Characteristics, Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference - Computer Science06, 12 15 October, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Gadjeva E., Z. Garnev, M. Hristov, N. Gadjev, A Modal-Based Approach to Automated Diagnosis of SC-circuits, Third International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", Istanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 October, 2006, pp. 261 - 266.
- Hristov M., I. Rashev, D. Arabadzhiev, CMOS VCO Design, The Fifteenth International Scientific And Applied Science Conference " Electronics 2006", September 20 - 22, 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, b2, pp. 59 - 64, ISBN 954-438-565-7.
- Hristov M., I. Rashev, D. Arabadzhiev, CMOS VCO Design, Proceedings of the Technical University Sofia, Volume 56, book 1, 2006, pp. 109 - 113, ISSN 1311-0829.
- Hristov M., G. Kubatev, D. Arabadzhiev, DC Motor Control Systems, The Fifteenth International Scientific And Applied Science Conference "Electronics 2006", September 20 - 22, 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, b2, pp. 167- 171, ISBN 954-438-565-7.
- Hristov M., G. Kubatev, D. Arabadzhiev, DC Motor Control Systems, Proceedings of the Technical University Sofia, Volume 56, book 2, 2006, pp. 278 - 282, ISSN 1311-0829.
- Kuncheva A., T. Mougel, L. Fujcik, B. Donchev, M.H. Hristov, Design of decimation filter for multibit sigma-delta modulator with two-step quantization. International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems- MIXDES2006, Gdynia, Poland. June 2006 pp. 646-649 , ISBN 83-922632-1-9
- Kuncheva A.,D. Nikolov, M.H. Hristov, Designing DSP algorithm with the Virtex-4 XtremeDSP slice, The 15th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2006
- Kuncheva A.,K Fillyov, M.H. Hristov, Implementing of FIR filter efficiently in FPGA. Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference Computer Science'06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
- Manolov E., M. Hristov, Practical Examination of Relationships Between Design and Performance Parameters of CMOS Amplifiers, Proceedings of the Technical University Sofia, Volume 56, book 1, 2006, pp. 23 - 28, ISSN 1311-0829.
- Nikolova B., G. Nikolov, M. Hristov, Simulation of Integrated Sensors Using Analog Behavioral Models, Third International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", Istanbul, Turkey, 12 - 15 October, 2006, pp. 279 - 284.
- Nikolova B., G. Nikolov, M. Hristov, Analog Behavioural Modelling of Integrated Sensors, The 2006 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, ICCES' 06, November 5 - 7, 2006, Cairo, Egipt, ISBN 1-4244-0271-9, pp. 107 - 112.
- Palankovski V., M. Hristov, Ph. Philippov, Two-Dimensional Physical AC-Simulation of GaAs HBTs, The Fifteenth International Scientific And Applied Science Conference " Electronics 2006", September 20 - 22, 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, b2, pp. 164 - 168, ISBN 954-438-565-7.
- Palankovski V., M. Hristov, Ph. Philippov, Two-Dimensional Physical AC-Simulation of GaAs HBTs, Proceedings of the Technical University Sofia, Volume 56, book 1, 2006, pp. 148 - 151, ISSN 1311-0829.
- Petkov, I., D. Pukneva, M. Hristov, Design and Analysis of Symmetrical Spiral Inductors for RFIC, the 15th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2006, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2006,Book 2, pp. 30-35, ISBN 954-438-565-7
- Pukneva, D., Layout Design Considerations of Integrated Passive Devices,Elektrotechnica & Elektronica Journal, January/February 2006, Vol. 1-2,pp. 97-104, ISBN 0861-4717
- Videkov, V., R. Radonov, Web-based Environment Requiring Increased Activity in the Educational Process (in Bulgarian), E+E Elektrotechnica & Elektronika - a monthly scientific and technical magazine, issue 1-2 2006, pp. 60 65, ISSN 0861-4717
- Videkov, V., R. Radonov, M. Naybuk, V. Nelaev, V. Stempitski, A Web Environment for Control of the Educational Quality and Management of the Educational Process (in Russian), The Higher Education: Problems and Ways for Development Conference, Minsk, Byelorussia, November 21 22, 2006, p. 63
- Videkov, V., T. Djamiykov, R. Radonov, A New Approach to Conducting Educational Tests in a Web Environment, Conference proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2003, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 20 - 22, 2006, book 3, pp. 120 - 125, ISBN 954-438-566-5
2005 |
- Angelov G.V., O.J. Antonova, E.D. Gadjeva, Parameter extraction methodology for a simplified RF NMOSFET equivalent circuit, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Angelov, G. V. Palankovski, M. Hristov, Ph. Philippov, Demonstration of a Slipstream Simulation Flow Including Device and Circuit Simulators, The 28th IEEE International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology - ISSE 2005, Wiener Neustadt, Austria, May 2005
- Angelov, G., S. Tzanova, T. Takov, L. Kamenova, Ch. Schaeffer, Flat Micro Heat Pipes for Electronic Cooling: An Elaborated Model of the Heat Transfer, 40th IEEE Industrty Applications Society (IAS 2005), Hong Kong, October 2-6
- Angelov, G., Sl. Tzanova, Y. Avenas, M. Ivanova, T. Takov, Ch. Schaeffer, L. Kamenova, Modeling of Heat Spreaders for Cooling Power and Mobile Electronic Devices, The 36th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC'05), Recife, Brazil, June 12-16, 2005
- Antonova, O., D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Design of Educational Experiments with Analog Array, The 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 839-843, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Arabadzhiev D., I. Avramov, A. Andonova, P. Philipov, SAW stabilized microwave generator elaboration, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Arnaudov, R. Iv., M. Hr. Hristov, I. G. Aldimirov, Method and Application Algorithm for Lowering the Impact of the Timing Jitter on the Statistical Indicators of DSP Based Tests, The 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 517-520, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Arnaudov, R. Iv., M. Hr. Hristov, I. G. Aldimirov, Study of the Impact of the Timing Jitter on the Statistical Indicators of the Signal Sampling Based Measurements, 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 543-548, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Donchev B., A. Kuncheva, Reconfigurable architectures - the future of the digital design, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Gadjeva, E. D., M. H. Hristov, Z. A. Garmev, Computer Models for Analog-Discrete Circuit Diagnosis Using Spice, The 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 409 412, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Gadjeva, E., M. Hristov, O. Antonova, Investigation of Amplifier Distortions Using Spice Simulation, 5th Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference - ECS 2005, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2005, pp. 119-122
- Kuncheva A.S., T. Mougel, L. Fujcik, B. Donchev, M.H. Hristov, Design of a decimation filter for novel sigma-delta modulator, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Petkov, I., P. Amblard, M. Hristov, A. Jerraya, Effective Hardware Verification of ARM Based System on Chip Design, 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 1, pp. 571-576, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Petkov I., M. Oyamada, P. Amblard, A. Jerraya, M. Hristov, Hardware/software prototyping of ARM based system on chip, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Pukneva, D., O. Antonova, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Improving Understanding of Analog Circuits Using Practical Experiments, The 12th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems - MIXDES 2005, Krakow, Poland, June 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 845 849, ISBN 83-919289-9-3
- Pukneva D.I., The influence of layout on basic parameters of integrated passive devices, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Radonov, R., Platform for administration of the educational process, Conference proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2005, 21 - 23 September, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria
- Radonov, R., V. Videkov, Internet based platform for control of the educational process, Conference proceedings of the ICL2005, 28 - 30 September, 2005, Villach, Austria, ISBN 3-89958-136-9
- Sevova J.S., G.V. Angelov, M.H. Hristov, Balanced mixers design for RF applications, The 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference - Electronics 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 2005
- Tzanova, S., Ch. Schaeffer, L. Kamenova, G. Angelov, "Micro Heat Pipes - the Most Prominent Solution for Cooling Electronic Devices", 40th IEEE Industrty Applications Society (IAS 2005), Hong Kong, October 2-6
- Videkov, V., R. Radonov, Peculiarities related to the usage of web based platforms during different semesters, Conference proceedings of the 3rd Balkan region conference on engineering education, 12 - 15 September 2005, Sibiu, Romania, pp. 25 - 27, ISBN 973-739-147-0
- Videkov, V., R. Radonov, S. Donchev,Some Peculiarities of the Resistor Layout Design in CAD Systems, Conference proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2005, 21 - 23 September, 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 60 - 64, ISBN 954-438-518-5
- Videkov, V., R. Radonov, V. Stempitskii, Web-Based System for Results Control and Students' Activity Analysis (in Russian), 5th International Scientific Conference "Distant Learning - the Educational Media of the 21st Century", Minsk, Byelorussia, November 10 - 11, 2005, pp. 25 - 29, ISBN 985-444-893-2
2004 |
- C. Mihailova, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Design of CMOS Core For Practical Examination of DC References, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004, pp. 325 331
- C. Mihailova, O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Educational Chip for CMOS VLSI Analog Blocs Prototyping, 24th International Conference in Microelectronics MIEL 2004, Nis, Serbia and Montenegro, 2004, pp. 769-772
- D. Pukneva, O. Antonova, C. Mihailova, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Determining Hand Calculation MOS Transistor Model Parameters from BSIM Model, International Scientific Conference on Informatics, Mathematical Modeling and Design an the Techniques, Controlling and Education - IMMD 2004, Vladimir, Russia, May 27-29, 2004, pp. 149 152, ISBN 5-86953-134-9
- G. Angelov, M. Hristov, Spice Modeling of MOSFETs in Deep Submicron, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004
- M. Hristov, E. Manolov, Analog Array - A New Concept for Enhanced Microelectronic Engineering Education, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004, pp. 515 524
- M. Hristov, R. Radonov, Distant Learning Experience in Microelectronics CAD Tools, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004
- M. Milev, R. Burt, A Tool and Methodology for AC-Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Closed-Loop Systems, International Cadence User Group Conference - ICU 2004, San Jose, CA, USA, September 12-16, 2004.
- M. Milev, J. Halbert, A Set of Bounding-Box Processing SKILL Procedures Useful in Placement Optimization of Wafer Scribe-Line Features, International Cadence User Group Conference - ICU 2004, San Jose, CA, USA, September 12-16, 2004.
- M. Milev, A Simple MOSFET Model of an Artificial Synapse, IJCNN2004 CD ROM Conference Proceedings, IEEE Catalog Number: 04CH37541C ISBN:0-7803-8360-5
- O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, Design of CMOS OTA Core for Practical Education, 27th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2004, pp. 332 337
- R. Radonov, V. Videkov, "A SMD Course With Web-Based Module", 13th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2004, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 22-24, 2004
- V. Videkov,R. Radonov, Internet Module for Educational Control (in Russian), 4th International Scientific Conference "Distant Learning - the Educational Media of the 21st Century", Minsk, Byelorussia, November 10 - 12, 2004, pp. 435 - 438, ISBN 985-44-758-8
2003 |
- C. Mihailova, O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, "Educational Chip for CMOS VLSI Analog Blocks Prototyping", MTM Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
- C. Mihailova, V. Hristov, "CMOS current references with load regulation, Educational chip for CMOS VLSI analog blocks prototyping", MTM Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
- C. Mihailova, "Design of Low Power Supply Temperature Independent DC Biasing Circuits", Microelectronic and Microsystem Design- REASON Student Contest, Joint event to the 4th electronic circuits and Systems Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2003
- C. Mihailova, O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, "Basic CMOS Analog Circuits for VLSI Design Education", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- C. Mihailova, O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, "Analog Array for Practical Investigation of DC Biasing Circuits", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- D. Pukneva, O. Antonova, C. Mihailova, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, "Determining Hand-calculation MOS Transistor Model Parameters from BSIM Model", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- G. Angelov, M. Hristov, "SPICE Models for MOSFETs: Towards the Nanotechnology Era", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- G. Dodeva, O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, M.Hristov, "Analysis and Design of Class E and Class DE Power Amplifiers and Monolithic Inductors for Wireless Applications", Microelectronic and Microsystem Design- REASON Student Contest, Joint event to the 4th electronic circuits and Systems Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2003
- I. Petkov, P. Amblard, M.Hristov, A. Jerraya, "Physiacal Design of HW Interfaces for MPSOC" MTM Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
- I. Veleva, B. Donchev, G. Staychev, "Methods For Analog Integrated Circuits Synthesis", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Hristov, E. Gadjeva, D. Pukneva, "Computer Modelling and Geometry Optimization of Spiral Inductors for RF Applications Using Spice", 10th International Conference MIXDES 2003, Lodz, Poland
- M. Ivanova, S. Haese, "A 5.88 GHz Mixer for Wireless LAN Applications", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Ivanova, S. Haese, "A 2.31 GHz Low-Noise Bipolar Monolithic VCO", MTM Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
- M. Ivanova, S. Haese, "A 2.45 GHz Mixer for Wireless LAN Applications", MTM Symposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003
- O. Antonova, D. Pukneva, C. Mihailova, E. Manolov, M. Hristov, "Analog Array for Amplifier Circuits Prototyping ", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- V. Videkov, R. Radonov, "Web-based Test Module for SMD Technology Education", "ELECTRONICS 2003", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Milev, M. Hristov, Analog Implementation of ANN with Inherent Quadratic Nonlinearity of the Synapses, IEEE Transactions on Neural networks, September 2003, Vol.14, No. 5 (Special Issue on Hardware Implementations), ISSN 1045-9227
- V. Videkov, R. Radonov, B. Ianov, Web-Based Test Module For SMD Technology, 12th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2003, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 24-26, 2003, book 4, pp 49-54
2002 |
- A. Andonova, N. Atanasova, D. Dimitrov, C. Mihailova, "Influence of Pass/Fail Limits on Diagnostic Test Sequences", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, "The Development of Baseband and LMP Layers in Bluetooth", SIITME'2002
- B. Donchev, M. Hristov, "Low Power Handheld Module for Parametrical Measurement with CPLD Structures", SIITME'2002
- B. Donchev, K. Hristov, A. Cordery, M. Hristov, "Design of Serial Interface for Neuron Base Smart Sensors", IS'2002
- B. Donchev, S. Zarev, M. Hristov, "Implementation of a digital filtering algorithm for rectangular signals", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, Y. Krasteva, M. Hristov, "Design of system for satellite identification", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, D. Arabadziev, "Design of OFDM based WireLess Network modules", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, "Methods for design of digital integrated circuits", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- C. Mihailova, G. Dodeva, M. Hristov, "Monolithic analog transmitting module for wireless communications" , The 8th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, September 19-22, 2002, Cluj Napoca, Romania
- C. Mihailova, "Temperature Stabilized Current References", The 8th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, September 19-22, 2002, Cluj Napoca, Romania
- C. Mihailova, "Specialized Integrated CMOS and BiCMOS Voltage References Based on the Sub-bandgap Circuit", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- D. Pukneva, G. Dodeva, M. Hristov, "Analysis, Design and Optimization of Monolithic Inductors for RF Applications", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- D. Pukneva, G. Dodeva, M. Hristov, A. Roussel, "Design, Analysis and Optimization of Monolithic Inductors for RF Applications", Intelligent Systems IS2002, Varna Bulgaria, 2002
- G. Dodeva, P. Popov, N. Dinkov, C. Mihailova, "Monolithic RF Power Class DE Invertor", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- N. Atanasova, A. Andonova, C. Nikolova, D. Dimitrov, "Parts Count Reliability Prediction for PCB", The 8th International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Modules, September 19-22, 2002, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
- O. Antonova, G. Dodeva, M. Hristov, "1GHz, 10dBm class E Power Amplifier", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- O. Antonova, G. Dodeva, M. Hristov, A. Roussel, " High Frequency Class E Power Amplifier ", Intelligent Systems IS2002, Varna Bulgaria, 2002
- V. Videkov, R. Radonov, "Internet, Quality, Education", "ELECTRONICS 2002", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Milev, Symbol Pcells = flexibility and integration, International Cadence User Group Conference - ICU 2002, San Jose, CA, USA September 15-19, 2002
2001 |
- B. Donchev, "Xilinx ISP programmable logic devices", "ELECTRONICS 2001", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, M. Hristov, P. Goranov, "Design of control system for inductive heating converter","ELECTRONICS 2001", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- B. Donchev, "Cool Runner - CPLD" , Engineering Review, unit 6, 2001
- C. Mihailova, M. Ivanova, M. Hristov, "Specialized Integrated CMOS Circuit for power supply of GaAs Microwave Chips", Electronics01, Sozopol, Bulgaria
- Ch. Roumenin, D. Nikolov, A. Ivanov, C. Mihailova, "A new highly sensitive parallel-field hall microsensors", Proc of the 11th Intern. Conf. On Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, 2001, Digest of technical papers, "Springer", Germany
- G. Dodeva, M. Gospodinova, P. Goranov, M. Hristov, "Design of monolithic E-class PA from 1 to 3 GHz", ELECTRONICS 2001", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- G. Radulov, M. Hristov, R. Radonov, "Interactive Web-based Environment for Distant Learning amd Design with SYNOPSYS", "ELECTRONICS 2001", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Ivanova, M. Milev, M. Hristov, C. Mihailova, "Application Specific IC for power supply of GaAs HJFET transistor", "ELECTRONICS 2001", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Milev, M. Hristov, Hardware Model of a Neural Synapse with Inherent Nonlinearity, 10th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics Electronics 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 26-28, 2001, Book 3, p. 53.
- M. Milev,, A Versatile and Robust Method for Communication with Pcells, International Cadence User Group Conference - ICU 2001, San Jose, CA, USA, December 2-6, 2001
2000 |
- B. Donchev, M. Hristov, V. Manoev, "Programmable Structures Application in the Electronic Design", "ELECTRONICS 2000", Sozopol, Bulgaria
- M. Milev, M. Hristov, A Simple Hardware Model of a Synaptic Function of a Neuron for CMOS VLSI Implementation, 9th Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics Electronics 2000, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 20-22, 2000, Book 2, p.48
- Hristov, M., M. Ivanova, R. Radonov, "CMOS ASIC for processing signal from a positional inductive sensor" (in Bulgarian), 9th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2000, Sozopol, Bulgaria, vol. 3, pp. 75 - 80, ISBN 954-438-304-2.
1999 |
- M. Hristov, B. Banov, I. Shumkov, R. Radonov, "ΡΜΞS Operational Amplifier with two types Miller's compensation", 8th National Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics Electronics '99, September 1999, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Book 3, pp. 78 83, ISBN 954-438-263-1 (in Bulgarian)
- M. Hristov, Μ. Gospodinova, Β. Nikolova, G. Nikolov, Ξ. Marinov, R. Radonov, "A 2um CMOS Operational Amplifier for Mixed Circuits Standard Cell Library", 34-th Conference "CECS May 28,1999, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 205-211
- N. Bankov, R. Radonov, M. Hristov, "CAN Controller Design", 8th National Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics Electronics '99, September 1999, Sozopol, Bulgaria, Book 3, ρςπ. 84 89, ISBN 954-438-263-1 (in Bulgarian)
- M. Milev, M. Hristov, Characteristics of Single-Perceptron Training, 8th National Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics Electronics '99, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 23-25, 1999, Book 2, p. 96
1998 |
- M. Gospodinova, B. Nikolova, R. Radonov, M. Hristov, "Methodology for Custom Analog Monolithic Block Design in CADENCE Environment", The Seventh Edition of the International Conference Electronics '98, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1998, vol. 1, pp. 49-54, ISBN 954-438-243-7
- M. Hristov, M., M. Gospodinova, O. Marinov, R. Radonov, B. Nikolova, G. Nikolov, "Design and Fabrication of a Precision CMOS Operational Amplifier", 20th International Spring Seminar on Semiconductor and Hybrid Technologies, Annual School, 1998, Sozopol, Bulgaria, volume 20, pp. 78-85, ISSN 0861-0797
- P. Goranov, M. Goranova, M. Hristov, M. Milev, Design of a BiCMOS Phase-Controller, Technical University of Sofia, 1998
1997 |
- R. Radonov, M. Hristov, "Network Organisation at the Electronics CAD Laboratory", The Sixth Edition of the International Conference Electronics 97, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1997, vol. l, pp. 161-165
1996 |
- M. Milev, M. Hristov, Mietec's HBiMOS Design Kit MADE , 5th International Conference Electronics'96, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 1996
- M. Milev, A Brief Manual to MADE Design Kit, Technical University of Sofia, December 1996
- R. Radonov, G. Dimitrov, V. Dragiev, M. Hristov, "Design of CMOS integrated Circuits for Playing Digital Sounds", 5th International Conference Electronics'96, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 1996, Book 3, pp. 112-118 (in Bulgarian)