Self training |
Short course on Analog Electronics: Bulgarian [BG] and French [FR] (Password required) |
Two short courses on SYNOPSYS : Bulgarian [BG] and Bulgarian [BG] (Password required) |
CADENCE design software : English [EN] (Password required) |
Digital IC Design Using SYNOPSYS : Bulgarian [BG] (Password required) |
Digital IC Design Using SYNOPSYS : English [EN] Listed at the EuroTrainig Course Directory (Password required) |
A SYNOPSYS tutorial: English [EN] Listed at the EuroTrainig Course Directory (Password required) |
Digital Design with XILINX: English [EN] Listed at the EuroTrainig Course Directory (Password required) |
Analog IC Design: English [EN] (Password required) |
Power Electronics English [EN] |
e - Management |
Master degree course in CAD Systems (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in SMD Techniques (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] Demo account available - username: demo, password: demo |
Bachelor degree course in Microelectronics Materials (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in Technological Practicum for First year students (practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in Industry Practicum for Second year students (practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in Specialising Practicum for Third year students (practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in Optoelectronic and Sensor Devices (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Bachelor degree course in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
Microelectronics Manufacturing Processes (test and practical exercises related): Bulgarian [BG] |
| A more detailed list in Bulgarian can be found here |
A fully functional demo version of the e-Management system for control of the educational process,
implemented in the above-listed Master and Bachelor degree courses in Bulgarian [BG] |